get rid of junk

How Do I Get Rid of Unwanted Junk?

Junk Removal Advice:

Are you struggling to get rid of unwanted junk? Do you have a lot of stuff crammed into every corner of your home, and no idea how to get organized? You’re not alone. Millions of people deal with this problem every day. But don’t worry, there are solutions.

In this article, we will give you 20 ideas to help you get rid of unwanted junk once and for all.

  1. Start with a plan
  2. Declutter your space
  3. Create zones in your home
  4. Use storage efficiently
  5. Store seasonal items properly
  6. Get rid of what you don’t need
  7. Donate or sell unwanted items
  8. Organize your cables and cords
  9. Tackle the kitchen junk drawer
  10. Organize your refrigerator
  11. Create an organized entryway
  12. Set up an office command center
  13. Organize your kid’s toys
  14. Create a clothes organizing system
  15. Take control of the bedroom closet
  16. Get creative with garage storage
  17. Use vertical space to optimize storage
  18. Store extra holiday décor
  19. Find creative ways to store food
  20. Hire a full-service junk removal company
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20 Ideas to help you get organized and rid of unwanted junk

1. Start with a plan

You know the saying, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” While that may be true, sometimes you just need to get rid of stuff-fast. Maybe you’re downsizing for a move or decluttering for spring-whatever the reason, getting rid of unwanted junk can seem like a daunting task. But with a little bit of planning, you can make quick work of even the most cluttered space.

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Start by sorting your stuff into three piles: keep, donate, and trash. Be honest with yourself about what you really need and use on a regular basis. Anything that doesn’t fall into that category can go into one of the other two piles. Once you’ve sorted everything, it’s time to take action.

For items you’re keeping, find a place for them in your home where they’ll be out of the way but still easily accessible. For items you’re donating, research local organizations that accept donations and schedule a pick-up time. And for items you’re throwing away, check to see if your municipality has any special requirements for disposing of certain items. Once everything is sorted and in its proper place, pat yourself on the back-you’ve just cleared out your junk drawer for good

2. Declutter your space

Most of us have stuff we don’t need, want, or use. It clutters up our living spaces and makes it difficult to find the things we really need. The first step to getting rid of clutter is to identify the problem areas in your home. Do you have a junk drawer that’s overflowing? A closet full of clothes you never wear? A garage crammed with boxes of old holiday decorations?

Once you’ve pinpointed the source of the clutter, it’s time to start decluttering. Begin by sorting through the items and setting aside anything that you can sell, donate, or recycle. Next, focus on organizing the remaining items so that they’re easy to find and put away.

Finally, make a commitment to keep the area clutter-free by taking a few minutes each day to tidy up. With a little effort, you can turn a cluttered space into a haven of serenity and organization.

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3. Create zones in your home

If your home is cluttered with unwanted junk, it can be tempting to just throw everything in a dumpster and start from scratch. However, this approach is not only wasteful, but it can also be costly. A better way to get rid of unwanted junk is to create zones in your home. These zones can be designated for storage, donation, or recycling.

By taking the time to sort your belongings into these different categories, you can declutter your home quickly and efficiently. Plus, you’ll be able to avoid the hassle and expense of buying new furniture or appliances.

So the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by clutter, remember to create zones in your home. It’s a simple and effective way to get rid of unwanted junk.

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4. Use storage efficiently

It happens to everyone. You start with a few items that you need to store away and before you know it, your home is filled with clutter. In order to get rid of unwanted junk and use your storage space efficiently, here are a few tips to follow.

First, take inventory of what you have and what you actually use on a regular basis. If you haven’t used something in six months or more, chances are you can live without it.

Second, invest in some quality storage containers. Cardboard boxes may be cheaper, but they’re also flimsy and won’t protect your belongings from dust or damage.

Finally, make use of vertical space. Stack items on shelves or in cabinets instead of letting them gather dust on the floor. By following these simple tips, you can declutter your home and live a more organized life.

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5. Store seasonal items properly

Seasonal items can be a pain to store—they’re often bulky, and you only need them for a few months out of the year. But with a little planning, you can keep your winter gear organized and out of the way until next season.

First, take an inventory of what you have. Donate or sell anything you no longer need or use. Then, create a storage plan. Think about what items you’ll need to access most often and store them in an easily accessible location.

Seasonal clothing can be stored in vacuum-sealed bags or plastic bins; larger items, like Christmas decorations, can be stored on high shelves or in the attic.

Whatever you do, label everything clearly so that you’ll know where to find it when next winter rolls around. With a little effort, you can keep your home clutter-free all year long.

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6. Get rid of what you don’t need

Any homeowner knows that stuff has a way of accumulating over time. Whether it’s clothes that no longer fit, gadgets that have been replaced by newer models, or simply items that you no longer use, junk has a way of taking up space in your home. How much space do we really have? If your home is starting to feel cluttered, here are a few tips for getting rid of unwanted junk.

First, take stock of what you have and identify any items that you no longer need or use. This can be difficult, but remember that holding onto things that you don’t need only creates more clutter.

Once you’ve identified the unwanted items, and how much space they are taking up, you can either sell them, donate them, or simply throw them away. Whatever you do, make sure to get rid of the junk as soon as possible to avoid letting it take over your home.

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7. Donate or sell unwanted items

Spring is the perfect time to get rid of unwanted clutter around the house. But before you start hauling everything to the dump, take a moment to consider whether your junk might be somebody else’s treasure.

Many items that are no longer useful to you can be donated to charity or sold at a garage sale. Donating items is a great way to declutter your home while also helping others in need.

And if you’re looking to make a little extra cash, selling your unwanted items is a great way to do it. Even if you don’t make much money, getting rid of unwanted junk can be its own reward. So before you start cleaning out your closets, take a moment to consider all of your options.

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8. Organize your cables and cords

It’s happened to the best of us: We go to plug in our phone charger, and instead, we’re faced with a tangle of cords. Not only is it frustrating, but it can also be dangerous— tripping over a loose cord is never fun. Luckily, there are a few simple ways to keep your cords organized and under control.

First, take inventory of all the cords you have, and then get rid of any that you don’t use regularly. Next, invest in some cord labels—this will help you keep track of which cord goes to what device.

Finally, use zip ties or velcro straps to tidy up any loose cords. A little bit of organization can go a long way in keeping your home safe and clutter-free.

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9. Tackle the kitchen junk drawer

Most of us have at least one junk drawer in our homes—a catch-all for everything from rubber bands and twist ties to spare change and out-of-date coupons. If your junk drawer is overflowing, it might be time for a purge.

Start by emptying the entire contents of the drawer onto a work surface. Then, sort through the items, discarding anything that is broken, expired, or no longer needed.

Next, give the drawer a good cleaning with a sponge or cloth dampened with All-Purpose cleaner. Once it’s clean and dry, you can begin putting things back. However, take this opportunity to streamline your collection of junk drawer essentials.

Only put back what you really need—and make sure everything has a designated spot. A little bit of organization will go a long way towards keeping your junk drawer under control.

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10. Organize your refrigerator

If your refrigerator is anything like mine, it’s full of half-used condiments, takeout menus, and that one jar of olives that’s been in there for who knows how long. Sound familiar? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. In fact, the average American household throws away about $640 worth of food every year. But with a little bit of planning and organization, it’s easy to cut down on food waste and keep your fridge clean and clutter-free.

Start by taking inventory of what you have and throwing away anything that’s expired or no longer edible. Then, give each item a home by grouping Similar items together and storing them in airtight containers.

Finally, be sure to label everything so you know when it was bought and when it needs to be used by. With a little bit of effort, you can easily turn your cluttered fridge into a well-organized space.

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11 Create an organized entryway

You know the feeling. You come home from a long day at work, laden with shopping bags, your purse, keys, and jacket. The first thing you want to do is drop everything in the entryway and relax. But before you can even take a step, you’re tripping over shoes, coats, and umbrellas that have been tossed haphazardly on the floor. Sound familiar? If your entryway is cluttered and chaotic, it’s time for a change.

Getting rid of unwanted junk is the first step to creating an organized entryway. Start by purging any items that are no longer needed or used. Next, find a place for everything and put it in its proper place. Shoes go in the closet, coats go on hooks, and umbrellas go in a stand. Keep a basket handy for items that need to be put away later.

Finally, make a habit of taking things straight to their designated spot when you come in the door. With a little effort, you can turn your cluttered entryway into a serene and welcoming space.

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12 Set up an office command center

Any office, no matter how small, can benefit from a well-organized command center. By centralizing all of your essential materials in one place, you can help to reduce clutter and improve efficiency.

The first step is to choose a location for your command center. It should be centrally located and easily accessible to everyone in the office. Once you have found the perfect spot, it’s time to start organizing. Begin by sorting through all of your materials and categorizing them into separate piles. Papers that need to be filed away can be placed in folders or binders, while items that are frequently used can be stored in Desk Drawers. By taking the time to set up an office command center, you can help to create a more productive and efficient work environment.

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13 Organize your kid’s toys

If you have little kids, you probably have unplayed with toys laying all over the house. Not only is this junk an eyesore, but it can also be dangerous if left unchecked. So how do you get fix this issue? One way is to put all of the toys in one room and organize it. This may sound like a daunting task, but it’s actually quite simple.

First, clear out all the toys that your kids no longer play with. You can donate these toys to charity or sell them at a garage sale. Next, sort the remaining toys into categories such as dolls, cars, and puzzles.

Finally, put these toys into labeled bins so that your kids can easily find them when they want to play. By taking the time to organize your kid’s toy room, you can get rid of unwanted junk and create a safe and welcoming space for your kids to play.

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14 Create a clothes organizing system

One way to get rid of unwanted junk is to create a clothes organizing system. This can be done by sorting your clothes into different categories, such as shirts, pants, and skirts. Once you have sorted your clothes, you can then put them into different sections of your closet or dresser. This will help you to find the clothes you need more easily and prevent your closet from becoming cluttered.

Additionally, you can donate any clothes that you no longer wear to charity or sell them at a consignment store. By following these steps, you can declutter your closet and get rid of unwanted junk.

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15 Take control of the bedroom closet

It’s that time of year again. Spring is here, and that means it’s time for some much-needed closet cleaning. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Start by taking everything out of the closet. Sort through your clothes and determine what you want to keep, what you need to get rid of, and what needs to be repaired or dry cleaned.

2. Once you’ve sorted through your clothes, it’s time to start decluttering. Get rid of anything that you don’t need or that doesn’t fit. Donate clothes that are in good condition to a local charity or consignment shop.

3. Once you’ve decluttered, it’s time to start organizing. Hang up clothes that need to be hung up and fold and stack clothing that can be folded and stored on shelves. Put shoes and other items in plastic storage bins so they’re out of the way but still easily accessible.

4. Finally, once everything is sorted, organized, and put away, give your closet a good cleaning. Dust off shelves and vacuum the floor so it’s ready for another year of use.

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16 Get creative with garage storage

As any homeowner knows, the garage can quickly become a catch-all for everything from tools to sports equipment to holiday decorations. Over time, this can make it difficult to find what you need when you need it. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to clean up your garage and get it organized.

First, clear out any clutter that has accumulated on the floor. This will give you a chance to sort through items and decide what to keep and what to donate or throw away. Next, invest in some storage solutions like shelves and bins. This will help you keep things off the floor and make it easier to find what you’re looking for.

Finally, take the time to regularly declutter your garage by getting rid of anything you no longer need or use. With a little effort, you can keep your garage clean and organized all year round.

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17 Use vertical space to optimize storage

Most of us could stand to do a little bit better when it comes to storage. After all, there’s only so much stuff that can fit into our closets, and our garages tend to fill up quickly as well. One way to make better use of the space you have is to start thinking vertically. Shelves are a great way to add extra storage without taking up a lot of floor space, and they can be used to store everything from books to holiday decorations.

If you’re really short on space, consider installing some hooks and hangers on the walls. This can be a great way to free up some closet space by storing jackets, hats, and other items that don’t need to be hung up. By making better use of vertical space, you can easily create more storage in your home.

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18 Store extra holiday decor

Suddenly it’s November, and you realize you never took down the Halloween decorations. Or maybe you’re like me, and you never got around to putting up the holiday decorations in the first place. Whatever the reason, if you find yourself with a surplus of holiday decor, here are a few ideas for storing it until next year.

If you have a lot of large items, such as wreaths or lighted reindeer, consider renting a storage unit for the winter. This will give you plenty of space to keep everything organized and out of the way. Just make sure to label everything so you know where it is when you’re ready to retrieve it next year.

If you only have a few small items, such as candles or ornaments, you can store them in boxes or bins under your bed or in the back of your closet. Again, be sure to label everything so you can find it easily when you need it. And if you’re really short on space, try using vacuum-sealed bags to compress your holiday decor. This is a great way to save space and keep your holiday items safe from dust and damage.

 Whatever storage solution you choose, following these tips will help ensure that your.

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19 Find creative ways to store food

One way to save space in your kitchen cabinets is to invest in a spice rack. This will allow you to keep all of your spices organized and within easy reach. Another great space-saving idea is to use mason jars to store dry goods such as flour, sugar, and rice. Mason jars are also perfect for storing homemade jams and jellies. If you have a lot of pots and pans, consider hanging them on a pot rack. This will free up valuable cabinet space and make it easier to find the right pot or pan when you need it. With a little creativity, you can find plenty of ways to free up space in your kitchen.

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20 Hire a full-service junk removal company

We got junk, too much junk… feeling overwhelmed. If you’ve ever tackled a home organization project, you know that getting rid of junk can be a daunting task. Not only do you have to sort through everything you own, but you also have to figure out how to dispose of it all. Fortunately, there’s an easy solution: call a professional junk removal company. These companies specialize in taking care of all your junk removal needs, from sorting and hauling to disposal and recycling. Plus, they can usually do it all in a day or two, so you won’t have to live with the clutter for long. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your stuff, pick up the phone and give a junk removal company a call. They’ll take care of everything for you and leave your home clutter-free.

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What is residential junk removal?

What is full-service junk removal? Most people don’t think about it, but every day we accumulate a lot of junk. It might be an old piece of furniture that we no longer have room for, a stack of newspapers that we’re never going to read, or a broken appliance that we can’t bear to part with. Whatever the reason, this junk can quickly start to take over our homes. That’s where residential junk removal comes in. This is a service that helps you get rid of all that unwanted stuff, whether it’s by taking it to a landfill or recycling center, or simply hauling it away and disposing of it properly. either way, it’s a hassle-free way to declutter your home and regain some much-needed space. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your possessions, consider hiring a residential junk removal service to help you get back on track. Be sure to check for positive junk removal reviews before you contact junk removal service companies.

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How do I calculate junk removal prices?

How do junk removal companies charge? Can I get an exact price? Are there hidden fees? Is there a minimum charge? Do junk removal service companies take major credit cards?

While the cost of junk removal can vary depending on the company you hire and the amount of junk you need to be removed, there are a few ways to get an estimate of what your overall cost will be. First, take inventory of the junk you need to be removed. This will give you a good idea of the size and scope of the job. Next, call around to different junk removal companies and ask for estimates. Be sure to ask about any hidden fees or surcharges that might apply. Finally, get quotes from at least three other junk removal companies before making your final decision. By taking these steps, you can be sure you are getting the best possible price for your junk removal needs and find the right junk removal team for your project.

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There are many ways to help you get organized and get rid of unwanted junk, and we have listed 20 of them for you. If one method doesn’t work for you, don’t give up. Try another until you find the solution that works best for you. And if all else fails, call a professional junk removal company to help you get your home in order. With a little effort, you can soon be on your way to living in a clutter-free environment.

To learn more about what items you can throw in a dumpster, click here.

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Junk Removal Advice services the following cities in Florida: Naples, Marco Island, Bonita Springs, Estero, Golden Gate City and Fort Myers. Book your free no-obligation quote by clicking here.

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