
How do you get rid of household items?

Junk Removal Advice:

People get rid of household items for different reasons. For example, you could be moving and intend to limit the things you carry to the new house or replace damaged items with new ones. Other people could be looking for a way to downsize, clean, or eliminate the clutter in their homes.

Whatever the case, there are multiple techniques that homeowners can use to get rid of these items from their houses. The technique you select should depend on numerous factors, like the size of the items, current condition, and value. Ensure that you select the method that suits you best.

1. Donate the Items

Donating is one of the easiest ways of getting rid of excess or unwanted items in the house. You can consider donating them to your friends, second-hand sellers, family members, or local charity shops. Additionally, you can check out local thrift store chains, such as the Red Cross, in your region. People living in large cities have an added advantage because they can easily access multiple donation bins around the city.

Giving away some household items in a charity mission is also a brilliant idea. The homeless people living in churches or mission houses would benefit significantly from the clothes and other essential household items. However, ensure that they are in the right condition before giving them out. You should also consult with the homes and make preliminary plans to ensure that the items will be essential and not a burden.

2. Sell on Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace has grown to an excellent platform for people selling brand new or second-hand items. You should consider adopting it if you have household items that you do not use or need anymore. All you need to focus on in this case is install the Facebook application on your computer or phone and then post clear pictures of the items you are selling.

3. Give them to your Friends or Relatives

Some of the “unwanted” or old appliances or furniture that you do not need can be useful to your friends or members of your family. This method will help you eliminate the items you do not need and, at the same time, demonstrate your value in these people’s lives. Decide the household appliances that you want to get rid of when moving, and then list the people within your family who might need them. You can also consider sharing the kids’ toys with their children.

If these friends live nearby, you can drop the items in their house. Alternatively, you can request them to pick the items from your house so that they can select the things they think will be useful to them. Once you have de-cluttered, organize all the valuable items together and hire a moving company for the remaining tasks. Therefore, if you have household items that you want to get rid of, you can share them among the close people in your life.

4. Sell them at a garage sale.

If you are searching for a way to get rid of some items in your house, you should consider doing garage sales. The things that you do not need could be valuable to another person. This technique is more appropriate for big and bulky items or appliances like old furniture, televisions, antiques, and hot tubs. Parents can also turn the yard sales into excellent family time as they dispose off their children’s old toys. Garage sales are fun and help you get rid of tools you are not using as you make more money.

Yard sales are an excellent option for people who have a lot of stuff to dispose of and find online selling complicated. If you want to succeed in your garage sales, you should consider doing the following:

• Sell as many pieces as you can because bigger sales earn better draws.
• Promote the sale on the classified pages of your local newspapers. It will be easier to connect with many yard sale shoppers who look for the best deals on print media.
• Involve your kids in this process. You can also set a snack table for them to sell snacks and drinks to the shoppers.
• Decorate the tag with bright colors to make it easier for shoppers to find the prices.
• Offer bulk discounts and last-minute or half-price deals

5. Sell to a Consignment Shop

It is important to know that consignment stores are different from thrift shops. Consignment shops deal with vintage clothing and other high-quality items. Therefore, they are the most appropriate option for the clothes you have worn once or several times. You will receive a specific discount or money for the clothes upfront or after they sell them.

6. Sell the Household Items in Online Marketplaces

The internet world today has made it possible to accomplish almost everything online. Homeowners seeking an appropriate method to get rid of the bulky or items they do not need should consider selling them to online buyers. For example, they can find websites like eBay that allow sellers to list sale items to potential buyers. The best feature about these online sites is that they will enable you to access more customers locally and internationally.

Considering several key points will make the selling process easier for you and the buyer. They include;

Avoid shipping

Sellers should prefer selling the unwanted items locally to avoid incurring shipping. Sending the items to a different country or region can be tiresome and costly. The process also allows buyers to pick up the items themselves.

Post Popular and Unique Items

eBay and other online marketplaces are convenient for popular items. This strategy makes it easier to attract more buyers and get more bids.

Post Presentable Photos

Every item that you post on the website should look nice. One of the most practical ways to attract potential buyers when selling virtually is ensuring that the appliances are appealing. eBay is a visual marketplace, and attractive images always sell better.

Include a Comprehensive and Honest Description

Customers appreciate it when sellers describe household items comprehensively. Make sure that you inform them even if the product is not in the best condition.

Price fairly

Homeowners should set a reasonable price for items that they want to get rid of in their homes. Remember that you do not need these items, and it is not the appropriate time to try and earn a lot of money. Charge a price that will sell the goods as fast as possible.


Charging reasonably does not mean that you cannot negotiate. Some items like furniture might be too valuable for the mentioned price. In this case, try and negotiate with the buyer before finalizing the deal.

Choose the right Website

The site you chose significantly determines whether you are going to sell the items successfully or not. Ensure that you match the online platform with the item categories. For example, Craigslist is the best site to post furniture and technology. Doing online research on the internet can help you acquire this information.

7. Sell the items to resellers or second-hand stores

Another strategy that you can use to haul away the used, old or, “unwanted” household items is to resell them to reselling companies. Research online and find resellers in your area. Ensure that you know the specific type of items they deal with to avoid any inconveniences. Some businesses could be specializing in household items, while others could be focusing on books or furniture. Second-hand stores usually buy items and then resell them at a lower price, hence allowing you to earn some money from the tools.

8. Renting a Dumpster

Consider renting a dumpster if you want to eliminate large household items and evade the hassle of wondering the best place to take them. These services might be quite expensive, but they are useful, especially when moving or dealing with home renovation projects. Ensure that you select the right dumpster to increase the chances of receiving excellent services.

One of the vital elements that you should consider when seeking dumpster services is size. A 10-yard dumpster is enough for regular items like couches, tables, washing machines, and refrigerators. You will have to hire a larger dumpster, which in most cases is more expensive. You can also hire a smaller space if you have fewer items.

When hiring a dumpster, ensure that you familiarize yourself with the items that you can put in it. Prior arrangements will prevent you from incurring incidental charges. In some situations, the house owners have to unload the dumpster if they include restricted appliances. Therefore, check whether the dumpster rental firm has prohibited items before employing it to help you de-clutter the unwanted household appliances.

9. Take the items to local Scrap-metal Shops

If the household items you want to eliminate are made of metal, you can take them to a nearby scrap metal shop for scraping. They accept different types of metal, including stainless steel, iron, and copper. This technique’s advantage is that you can still earn a profit from the items. However, ensure that you consult the shop or store for the current rates before doing any business transactions with them.

10. Request the delivery company to haul the old items

Sometimes, large household items, such as furniture, TV set, or refrigerator, could be damaged, and you want to replace them with new ones. In some cases, the appliances might no longer be serving their intended purposes. Whichever the reason, the best way to get rid of such items is to request the company that delivered the new things to take away the damaged ones.

The advantage is that they might not charge you for this service. However, it would be appropriate if you first learned the arrangement before requesting the firm to carry the item to avoid unexpected charges. It is also advisable to call the delivery company in advance to enquire whether they offer such additional services. Some delivery employees consider taking away the damaged items as “additional baggage.”

11. Allowing other people to Re-use the Household items

Re-using is another strategy that can help homeowners to get rid of the items they do not need. Before throwing the appliances into the trash, ask yourself whether another person can use them. Are they clean and in a reasonable condition? If the answer is yes, then you can consider giving them away to strangers. For example, you can place the items outside your gate and place the tag “please take me.” Anybody who finds the tool useful will take it with them. This generous act will benefit you and other people at the same time.

12. Throw away in the Trash Can or Landfills

House owners can throw away household items that cannot be recycled, donated, or sold. For example, it is impossible to re-use unwanted furniture and broken utensils. Donating stained or clothes damaged beyond repair would also be inconsiderate.

If the waste is bulk, you can contact the city to pick them up for you. Some cities organize free pickups monthly, while others do it annually. However, this technique is limited to some cities. You should ensure that the items you throw in the dump do not harm the environment or cause any pollution.

The home collection services offered by city councils often specialize in large household items that cannot fit in the bin. For example, they can help you carry mattresses, furniture, cookers, fridges, and carpets. Contacting the council is cheaper than hiring private rubbish removers. However, they might be inconvenient because sometimes you have to wait for about a week to receive the services.

13. Hire Professional Junk Removers

The moving process is always stressful, especially when you want to sell the house after moving. In most cases, you have to de-clutter and remove a lot of trash so that the house remains clean. Seeking professional junk removers can help you focus on preparing the home for sale as they get rid of the unwanted stuff. Apart from the convenience, these firms also make the elimination process more eco-friendly because they recycle most of the unwanted material.

According to home improvement studies, a regular homeowner sells their home after about six years. It is accurate to indicate that the person has accumulated countless items in the garage or basement within that duration. Organizing and finding the best way to get rid of these items can be stressful. In such a situation, hiring a professional junk remover can come in handy. They will haul away the junk and clean the house to prepare it for showing.

This information proves that these junk removers are vital in getting the house ready for potential buyers after moving. However, you should ensure that you get the right people to outsource this task. Always remember that choosing the wrong company might cause you to incur huge losses. Every homeowner should consider various factors, including;

• Availability of Emergency services

Before outsourcing the junk removal services, ensure that the people you hire can be on the site within hours or minutes. Sometimes you might need their services urgently, and they should be ready to provide them without any inconveniences.

• Quality of Services

Today, you can find hundreds of junk removal companies on the market. The quality of services provided is what makes differentiates them. The best enterprise is one that grants safe and efficient residual removal and prevents you from worrying about disposing off the debris after moving.

• Specialization

Various junk removal companies specialize in different areas. For example, some focus on removing large waste, such as furniture, while others prefer dealing with smaller appliances. Start by specifying the items you should get rid of, and then find a junk remover who will assist you do it.


House clearances are boring, tiresome, and time-consuming. You could be clearing away some items because you are moving to a new area and do not want to carry some bulky items. Other people want to replace old dysfunctional items. House owners can use different techniques to clear their homes and prepare them for sale. Potential buyers should find your house clean, neat, and organized during the showing.

The method they select depends on multiple factors, such as the convenience, type of items being de-cluttered, and the reason for the clearance. For example, you could donate clothes and kitchen appliances to a homeless shelter or the less fortunate if you want to purchase new ones. Donated items should be in excellent condition. On the other hand, disposing of a trash can is appropriate for damaged or broken household items. Whichever method you choose, ensure that it suits your needs and helps you accomplish your goals.

To learn if you can empty a house before probate.

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